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Snack with XAVIES 'granola Coconut cinnamon, pear, chicory and blue cheese

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Snack with XAVIES 'granola Coconut cinnamon, pear, chicory and blue cheese


Pear - type Doyenné du Comice
XAVIES 'GRANOVIE Coconut Cinnamon

Blue mold cheese

Balsamic vinegar

Fresh thyme


Carefully remove the chicory leaves from the stalks. Crumble the blue cheese very finely and cut the pear into small cubes. Mix the pieces of pear with the crumbled blue cheese and spread the mixture over the chicory leaves. Drop a few drops of balsamic vinegar over each leaf of chicory. Sprinkle XAVIES 'granola Coconut Cinnamon and finish with fresh thyme leaves.