This simple recipe for ice tea is ideal for when you are looking for refreshment for the whole family on hot summer days.

INGREDIENS fro 500ml icetea

500 ml of boiling water 

1/4 unsprayed lemon + juice of half a lemon 

a bunch of fresh mint 

1 Marie Green teabag 

1 teaspoon honey (optional) 


Put the boiling water together with the above ingredients in a bowl and let the mixture steep for about 20 minutes. Then remove the tea bags, mint and lemon from the bowl - squeeze the remaining juice from the lemon.

Let the mixture cool down completely and pour it into a bottle or carafe and place it in the fridge until ice cold. Simply shake or stir before serving, as the honey will sink to the bottom when it stands for too long.

Serve with lots of ice cubes and a slice of lemon. 

Met Marie Green