This delicious homemade iced tea with sweet passion fruit and refreshing lemon is the perfect combination for a hot summer day. Made with organic tea without sugar or other additives, so you can enjoy it with the whole family. Cheers!


2 sachets of Marie Blue

500 ml water

juice of 2 lemons

juice and seeds of 1 passion fruit

2 tsp honey



Make a few incisions in the lemongrass with a sharp knife and cut the strawberries in half.

Bring 250 ml of water to a boil and add the sachet. Let it steep for 20 minutes, then remove the sachet and let the tea cool. Pour the tea into a bottle or carafe and add 250 ml of cold water.

Squeeze the lemons and add the juice to the cooled tea. Cut the passion fruit in half and scoop out the pulp and seeds. Add these to the tea.

Add 2 teaspoons of honey to the tea and stir well until the honey is completely dissolved.

Fill the glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled tea over the ice. Stir briefly and garnish with a slice of lemon or a piece of passion fruit for an extra refreshing presentation.